
Energy Efficiency in Schools

Completed (1988 - 1990)


Schools present unusual problems in terms of the internal environment. They generally have short periods of occupancy, weekdays only with long holiday periods, factors which favour a light construction and intermittent heating. Many schools have large glazed areas and high ventilation requirements, they represent ideal subjects for insulation and heat recovery. Being the responsibility of a single authority in each area they lend themselves to central energy management systems for monitoring and control.

Conversely the individual school is not usually responsible for its fuel bills, and occupant behaviour, publicity, targeting and monitoring are important factors.

The objectives of this task were:

  • To develop a methodology for energy management in schools.
  • To develop guidelines on motivation, education, incentive schemes and monitoring techniques.
  • To produce recommendations on the use of energy management systems.
  • To develop case studies for passive solar and retrofit measures.
  • To produce a handbook of guiding principles for energy management in schools.

Objectives: The final objective of this project was the preparation of Guidelines related to energy conservation measures to be taken in buildings and systems in the school area, finalised to attain, in the long run, reductions in energy consumption not less than 25%.

Working Group on Energy Efficiency in Educational Buildings

This was an extension of the Annex 15 activity. Participating Countries were Austria, Greece, Italy, Spain and UK. Duration was from 01/01/1992 to 31/12/1994. Operating Agent: Renato Lazzerini, Italy

Operating Agent

Prof C. Boffa
National Research Council


Italy, UK
