
Energy Efficient Indoor Air Quality Management in Residential Buildings

Ongoing (2020 - 2025)


The project aims to improve the energy efficiency of the indoor air quality management strategies in operation and to improve their acceptability, control, installation quality and long-term reliability. The specific project objectives are to:

  • select metrics to assess energy performance and indoor environmental quality of an indoor air quality management strategy and study their aggregation;
  • improve the acceptability, control, installation quality and long-term reliability of indoor air quality management strategies by proposing specific metrics for these quality issues;
  • set up a coherent rating method for indoor air quality management strategy that takes into account the selected metrics;
  • identify or further develop the tools that will be needed to assist designers and managers of buildings in assessing the performance of an indoor air quality management strategy using the rating method;
  • gather existing or provide new standardized input data for the rating method;
  • study the potential use of smart materials as (an integral part of) an indoor air quality management strategy;
  • develop specific indoor air quality management solutions for retrofitting existing buildings;
  • benefit from recent advances in sensor technology and cloud-based data storage to systematically improve the quality of the implemented indoor air quality management strategies, ensure their operation and improve the quality of the rating method as well as the input data;
  • improve the availability of these data sources by exploring use cases for their providers;
  • disseminate about each of the above findings.

The following official project deliverables are planned:

  1. a literature list for energy efficient energy management;
  2. an open database with source data for the rating of indoor air quality management strategies;
  3. an overview report on methods and tools for the rating of indoor air quality management strategies;
  4. a collection of case studies and demonstrations of energy efficient indoor air quality management strategies.

Operating Agent

Dr Jelle Laverge
Assistant Professor
Ghent University
Department of Architecture & Urban Planning, Building Physics
Campus UFO T4, St-Pietersnieuwstraat 41
9000 Ghent
Tel: +32 9 264 37 49


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